

tony crosbie is a very experienced costume designer and stylist for innumerable japanese and foreign advertising/commercial projects in japan and on location abroad

indeed – how rock’n roll works

dir: mackenzie sheppard
dop: mattias troelstrup

indeed – how robot works

dir: mackenzie sheppard
dop: mattias troelstrup

dir: matthew swanson
dop: michael ragen

carphone warehouse – keith lemon pin point tv ad in tokyo

dir: lucy forbes
dop: ben spence

expedia – someplace new

nike – hero

dir: kevin thomas
dop: rodrigo prieto


facebook – you are someone’s friend

dir: zachary heinzerling
dop: olivar millar

dhl ‘manchester united’

dir: antoine bardot-jacquet
dop: damien morisot

nike – new beginnings

dir: gerard de thame
dop: mick coulter

mcdonald’s – big mac world chant

dir: bo platt
dop: nick sawyer


diners club – belong

dir: jeffrey darling
jeffrey darling

honda – impossible dream

dir: ivan zacharias
dop: jan velicky